Sunday 16 December 2012

6. How are heart defects detected in children?

How can heart defects be detected in children?

          Heart defects can present at various ages in children. The age of presentation depends on the type and severity of defect.

Some complex, severe defects are obvious right from birth or within a few days of birth. Usually these conditions present with bluish discoloration of the skin (cyanosis) or pallor and poor circulation. If you find these features in a newborn baby make sure you take them to hospital IMMEDIATELY.

Less severe conditions may be detected later in life either due to breathlessness and feeding difficulties or as an incidental finding of a murmur (unusual noise from the heart) which is picked up by the family doctor. Heart defects cause feeding problems in small babies and the typical pattern is that they cannot feed very long so they take small feeds frequently and are constantly hungry. They can also become very sweaty during feeds or when crying. Babies with heart problems are also more prone to getting chest infections or pneumonia which may sometimes need admission to hospital.

Older children can present with chest discomfort/pain and palpitations (awareness of abnormal heart beating). Chest pain in children is usually not related to the heart but a careful examination and assessment should be performed before reassuring the family. Palpitations may be the sign of electrical disturbances in the heart and these can be easily treated nowadays. So thorough investigation is required.

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