Monday 24 March 2014

18. Infections and the heart

Patients with heart defects are at a risk of serious infections of the heart  called infective endocarditis. Bacteria and other microorganisms normally tend to live in the teeth and oral cavity. They can enter the bloodstream and cause infections in the heart especially if there is a defect in the heart like a hole or a faulty valve. These infections can be very serious and may even be life threatening. Thus a small hole in the heart which is usually a minor problem can have a serious and deadly complication in the form of infection.

It is very important therefore for patients with heart defects to look after their teeth carefully; brushing at least twice a day and seeking help early if  there are signs of dental infection. A trip to the dentist every 6 months to clean the teeth is also a good idea and will help detect problems early. If patients require open heart surgery they need to get dental clearance prior to the operation in order to avoid infection post surgery especially when artificial materials like artificial valves are being implanted.

Whether patients with heart defects need preventive antibiotics when they undergo various dental and general surgical procedures is open to debate and there is data available that there is no scientific basis for this practice. The medical profession is till somewhat unsure about what to do in this regard.

There is however no doubt that dental hygiene is very important in the prevention of infective endocarditis. Every patient with a heart defect should receive counselling regarding this when they visit their cardiologist.

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